Announcement:  Private Telegram Group is active


While I put this blog and website up in order to continue to express my thoughts and views and share information, I have found a system that allows me to do all of that with much greater ease than posting on this blog.  So for the time being, I have moved my posting to Telegram where I have a private group.  If you would like to follow my posts on CoVID, jabs, mandates, the Great Reset/Great Awakening and more, I invite you to send an email to me requesting the invitation at,  Subject: I believe in medical freedom, and in the body of your email, tell me briefly what you think about medical freedom, jab mandates etc.  Adversarial and oppositional behavior will not be tolerated in the group  nor will posts from hyperbolic outlets.  Otherwise, comments are uncensored and most welcome.    
Be well,

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